If you are like me the Netflix show was your first introduction to the Umbrella Academy Comic. So we have now read them to give you this review. At the end of this post, you will know the background of the comics, what’s different from the show, and where to start reading if you choose. Spoiler alert if you enjoyed the show on Netflix you will love these comics even more.
How many comics are in the Umbrella Academy?
There are currently 26 separate comics in the Umbrella Academy series. These 26 comics have also been put together into 4 graphic novels which help with the reading order. There are three comics in this group of 26 that are more stand-alone. Below is the list of Umbrella Academy Comics:
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: APOCALYPSE SUITE (Graphic Novel Contains the first 6 comics)

This is the event that started the entire series and the future of the Umbrella Academy comics. On one day across the entire world a group of 43 gifted children are born. The women who had them well they were not even pregnant so image that surprise to get this started. Then some strange rich guy comes and adopts seven of them from mothers saying he was trying to save the world.
Obviously, this group of kids and their unusual adopted father become dysfunctional and powerful. Through these first comics, you get to see the team of superheroes grow into their powers and even fight some zombies. Fast forward years later and the team disbanded and the father is dead. This is a great start to the comics and sucks you in to see if they can come back together and save the world!
The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #1
This comic is the team being brought back together after almost 10 years due to the death of the their mentor. A ton of things happen to people over the years and now they have to try and come together and face a threat while trying to get over the past. Will they be able to come together or rip each other apart?
The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #2
This comic is about the funeral of the team’s adopted father and mentor. There are a lot of old scars that are brought up and of course, a new crime spree starts. To top it all of one of the team is seduced to leave the rest of them. Who is this new villain?
The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #3
Alright who doesn’t like battles with criminal robots and investigation of murdering musicians. Oh and of course the destruction of the world is on its way too. Did I mention the teams sister is still missing?
The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #4
The powerless sister gets fixated on music and is changed. The team is about to learn some things about this sister. They may have not estimated her worth correctly.
The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #5
This comic has two major twists to add to the storyline. First the there is a visitor who ransacks the Mansion. The second thing is that the mentor’s monocles are found which could be the key they need. Of it could just be monocles.
The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #6
This is it, if you love conclusion full of action this is the comic for you. I love how after just a few comics this story really has built you and then had this great finish. This is fast paced and you will not be disappointed. Will the team be able to save the Earth or fall on their faces?
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: DALLAS (Graphic Novel Containing the second set of 6 comics)

So the team has now survived the death of Pogo and the near end of the world due to a member of the Umbrella Academy, what’s next? Will this team now take it easy and repair some of their disfuction? Of course not!
In this graphic novel, they will have more real life issues to deal with. Some of the issues they will face include gambling, overeating, and losing powers to name a few. To top it all off my favorite plotline in a comic how to stop assassins from killing JFK.
The Umbrella Academy: Dallas #1
Sometimes when you win it feels like you lost. Now the team is beat down and held together with tape literally in some cases. Their childhood home is gone. Some of the team’s powers are hampered due to their injuries. In this Umbrella academy comic, you have to wonder do they have any path forward.
The Umbrella Academy: Dallas #2
In this comic, the team is still pretty beat down and not focused on what’s going on. They are also dealing with the loss of Pogo who is a chimp that was with them since they were kids. All of this and a new problem are starting to cause some trouble. Hopefully, will someone listen to the one member who understands the danger that may be coming.
The Umbrella Academy: Dallas #3
This is where the Dallas story really gets going and crazy. The team is all over the place and no one is pulling them together to deal with the chaos. Will they be able to come together again to deal with the new threats?
The Umbrella Academy: Dallas #4
Sometimes a mission just doesn’t go right. On the good side though when a few members deal with the outcome of the bad mission and near death experience of a few members, the rest of the brothers and sisters from the Umbrella Academy start coming together to fight through everything including time.
The Umbrella Academy: Dallas #5
Nothing like a little time travel, mystery, and war to make a great story. Well if you are into all that this is going to be a great Umbrella Academy comic for you. Oh and some of the members get to see their own strange childhoods. You can tell in this one that a conclusion is coming.
The Umbrella Academy: Dallas #6
At the end of the Dallas story of course it’s time to save the world….. again. Of course, if you are looking for peace, and some morals, clean superheroes cleaning up the mess well this isn’t the story for you. Also if you are looking for that why are you reading Umbrella Academy comics in the first place? Spoiler alert kind of…. someone on the team will kill someone and some siblings will start to lose their cool with eachother….. maybe a little more than just lose their cool.
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: HOTEL OBLIVION (Graphic Novel Containing the third set of 7 comics)

The first two graphic novels in this series are what the Netflix show was based on. So if you are curious what happens next instead of waiting for it this is what you will need to start reading.
In this Graphic novel, the amount of superpowered crazy villains has grown. Not only have they grown they are ready to take the fight to the Umbrella Academy. Of course, Sir Reginald Hargreeves thinks he has the problem under control.
Then their past returns to give them some painful twist.
The Umbrella Academy: HOTEL OBLIVION #1
Of course, this Umbrella Academy starts out like the others in the previous series, the team is dysfunctional. They have all gone their own ways again doing some wild and interesting activities. Some are hunting animals and some hunting people. There may be even some marriage issues to throw into the mix. This will be a great story for Netflix to continue with.
The Umbrella Academy: HOTEL OBLIVION #2
Big kids and big business is what this comic is full of. Oh and some brothers traveling into space….cowboys…..dolls, dancing, this one has it all…… even a magic Eightball.
The Umbrella Academy: HOTEL OBLIVION #3
A comic full of psychics who seem full of it until they lay down what they see. Its scary how good they really are. I love the locations of this comic. Just like all of the Umbrella academy comics this one is not set in a nice happy area.
The Umbrella Academy: HOTEL OBLIVION #4
Only a mm can let you know how special you truly are. In this comic that’s what happens to Vanya. Og an of course their sis a big shooting and some cosmic enlighten moments to be had.
The Umbrella Academy: HOTEL OBLIVION #5
So ever wonder what happen to all of the villain’s the Umbrella Academy faced under their mentor? Well they are about to realize that Mr. Hargreeve’s had his own little prison full of these fun loving people. Well good thing plans never go wrong.
The Umbrella Academy: HOTEL OBLIVION #6
This comic gets deeper into the prison that was left behind by their mentor. Well lets just say we have another epic showdown coming with some old friends.
The Umbrella Academy: HOTEL OBLIVION #7
Did you think that the Umbrella Academy comics couldn’t get any more mysterious? Well then there was this one with the conclusion of the hotel oblivion story and the deadly battle with Perseus and their other friends from Oblivion. Can you believe there this final comic in the story line will bring in some new threats…..what a twist.
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH (Graphic Novel Containing the last set of 6 comics)

In this story you have Klaus feeling his oats and being removed from the Umbrella Academy. Along with this, he loses his allowance. So doing what any 18 ear old with some freakish talents would do he heads to Hollywood. While there he gets mixed up with some interesting characters like drug dealers who also happen to be vampires. Now Klaus will have to get himself out of trouble, with no help coming from his brothers and sisters back at the Umbrella Academy.
The Umbrella Academy: YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH #1
This story is the first spin off from the Umbrella Academy comic. The story will be following Klaus on his not so straight laced adventure. It starts with him being kicked out of the Academy and having to fend for himself.
The Umbrella Academy: YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH #2
Of course in Klaus fashion after stealing a stash from a vampire drug lord he decides the bet way to become a great actor is to channel one. Well that may not have been his plan but the spirit thinks it is. Oh yea did i mention that the vampire is on his way to deal with Klaus for stealing from him.
The Umbrella Academy: YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH #3
Wait wait a vampire chimp drug lord is crazy enough, in this comic you get to see his amusement park under Hollywood. Of course that would be a great place for a lair, even for a chimp vampire. Oh yea and Klaus is still being boozed up by the spirits….. with spirits… nice.
The Umbrella Academy: YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH #4
In this one Klaus will learn why his Paramore was famous for a time but the blackballed from Hollywood. He will learn this in a frightening way when some beings true colors start to show. Now on the other side or underside of the world business is looking up for the vampire and Klaus starts to prove his value, and not as a vampire snack.
The Umbrella Academy: YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH #5
Now Klaus has a new mission from his Vampire chimp drug lord (I just like to type that, I bet when the idea came out the writers were like yea I love this idea) he must go and search for the vampires wife…. who is dead and in the void. While on this mission of course the twist happens. New knowledge about Vivian is reveled.
The Umbrella Academy: YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH #6
Now all the events tie together in this which is the last Umbrella Academy comic at the time of this writing. Klaus has a plan to calm down the evil in Vivian but directing a movie of course. He puts he as the star which gives his friend (who gave him the info on Vivian) some peace. It may or may not work but of course there is always the vampire chimp drug lord as a backup.
Where can I read the Umbrella Academy comic?
IF you are looking to read these comics digitally they are available on Dark Horse Digital and on Comixology. On the other hand the graphic novels and be ordered on Amazon. If you order them through our link thanks in advance for supporting us and letting us make a few cents from our affiliate link. These comics can of course be picked up in your local comic shop and bookstore as well.
If you have watched the Netflix show and enjoyed it you will love the Umbrella Academy comics. Something about taking a group of powerful supers and then raising them in a house of disfunction creates an interesting combination. Unlike some of my other favorite groups that have the mentor keeping all this young ones in line and working through their issues this series is a lot more gritty, dark, and well interesting. If you do want to read more reviews or comic related news