The Chameleon has had many different origin stories, but one thing that remains consistent is his hatred for the web slinger. His most recent story arc involves him as a member of Doctor Octopus’ Sinister Six, where he faced off against Spider-Man in a final battle to the death!
The article explores how the Chameleon became an enemy of Spider-Man and what readers can expect from this long running foe of Spidey’s.
What was the First Comic Appearance of Chameleon

The Chameleon first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #130. This comic was published in May of 1976. In this issue, we meet Dmitri Smerdyakov. He is a Russian spy who immediately makes a name for himself by killing the Paris branch manager of Silvermane in front of his family and friends.
The Chameleon also captures Spider-Man and forces him to wear special glasses that make him look like the Chameleon. The villain then impersonates Spider-Man and enters the Baxter Building as part of an international spy exchange program.
This is all a ploy to get close enough to kill John Jameson, the astronaut son of Daily Bugle publisher, J. Jonah Jameson, and also to get revenge on Spider-Man, whom Smerdyakov hates with a passion.
The Chameleon is still being held inside the Raft along with many of Spidey’s top villains. For now at least he has no plans to escape but one can imagine that when Doc Ock or even Green Goblin comes calling that he might change his mind.
What is Chameleon Superpower and Ability
One of the Chameleon’s superpowers and abilities is his ability to change his color. For example, if he sees a uniform, he will be able to make himself look like that uniform.
Another superpower that the Chameleon has is his ability to create patterning on his skin. This can come in handy when he is trying to impersonate someone like Spider-Man. He also has the ability to mimic human speech patterns and some mannerisms so that he can make it even harder for people to spot him.
How Strong is Chameleon

The Chameleon is strong enough to hold his own in a fight with Spider-Man. His strength doesn’t match that of the more powerful villains but he has been written as being on par with Spider-Man himself.
Spider-Man and the Chameleon have fought many times for a number of different reasons. The two are always very evenly matched. This makes sense when you consider that Spider-Man is also great at stealth, so it is often someone else who ends up discovering the fact that there has been an imposter in their midst rather than Spider-Man himself.
Why Chameleon Hate Spider-Man
The Chameleon hates Spider-Man because of the fact that the web slinger has ruined many of his plans over the years. He also knows that he is never going to come out on top in a fight with Spidey, so instead he goes about attempting to make Spidey look foolish.
The Chameleon is always trying to impersonate someone else in order to master that person’s moves and mannerisms so that he can better pull off the deception. He does this mainly for his own amusement, but also because it makes it easier for him to get closer to Spider-Man without being discovered by his enemies.

Where Does Chameleon Live
The Chameleon exists in a world that is constantly on the move. He lives and works in Russia, England, France, Germany…almost every country you can think of has been visited by the Chameleon at some point.
Is Chameleon Good or Bad Guy
The Chameleon has been written as both a good guy and a bad guy over the years. This mostly depends on how he has been recently portrayed and what other villains have been making trouble at the time (the Chameleon prefers to team up with others who are opposed to Spider-Man).
How Old is Chameleon
No one knows for sure, but it is generally assumed that the Chameleon is probably in his fifties or sixties. He has been around for a long time now and if he were younger, it seems unlikely that he would be able to keep up with Spidey as well as he does.
What Other Villains Does Chameleon Team Up With
The Chameleon has teamed up with a number of different villains. He seems to work best alongside those who are able to provide him with some kind of combat advantage. In the past he has worked alongside Doctor Octopus, Mysterio and even Venom on occasion.
Chameleon Personality
The Chameleon is usually portrayed as being rather vain and egotistical. He is always on the lookout for ways to make himself look good and is constantly trying to prove his superiority over his enemies, including Spider-Man. Most of the time he doesn’t seem to have any real allegiances or motivations outside of pursuing his personal goals. The exception might be when a villain comes calling offering him some kind of reward. The Chameleon is always looking for a way to make money so he can continue living his lavish lifestyle, complete with all the expensive toys and gadgets that he likes to enjoy.
How Fast is Chameleon
It is difficult to determine the exact speed of the Chameleon but from what we can tell, he is fast enough to keep up with Spider-Man. We know this because he has been able to successfully impersonate Spider-Man in order to trick people before. It seems like he would be able to run at a speed of somewhere between 20 and 30 miles per hour.
Has Chameleon Ever Died in the Comics
The Chameleon has never died in the comics. He has faked his own death a number of times, and he can even change the shape of his face to make it appear that he is dead. He usually pops up again whenever Spider-Man least expects him to!
Does Chameleon Have Any Family
Yes, in fact he does have family members who are also involved in his side line career as a thief. In the past, his wife and daughter have both been involved with the criminal underworld in one way or another.
What is Chameleon’s Secret Identity
The Chameleon has a number of different secret identities that he has assumed over the years. No one knows which ones are real and which ones are just covers but it is generally agreed upon that his first identity was as an artist named Kravenoff.
What is Chameleon’s Weakness
The Chameleon has a number of weaknesses that have been written about over the years. He was originally shown as being weak to extreme heat and intense light, but this weakness didn’t last very long due to its impracticality.
What is Chameleon Currently Doing in the Marvel Comics
Right now, the Chameleon is a member of Doctor Octopus’ Sinister Six and has been present in many of the group’s recent adventures. He also posed as Spider-Man for one recent issue to fool the Kingpin and eventually beat him up.
Has Chameleon had any Love Interest in the Comics
Unlike most of his enemies, the Chameleon has had a number of love interests over the years. His first love interest was a beautiful Russian spy named Katrina (also known as Ursula) who was working in an organization called Black Widow. Their relationship eventually led to her death. He then married an actress named Diane Wilder and they later divorced. Most recently, the Chameleon has been shown as having feelings for another villainess named Lorelei who is also a member of Doctor Octopus’ Sinister Six.
In conclusion, the Marvel villain known as The Chameleon has had a long history of fighting with Spider-Man. As a member of Doctor Octopus’ Sinister Six, he is one of Spidey’s most recent foes and has been present in many battles against him. He usually poses as someone or something else when doing so to gain an advantage over his enemy but that doesn’t always work out for him. Sometimes Spider-Man finds out what he really is before it’s too late! Alongside being able to change his appearance at will, there are also other factors that make this character such an interesting foe for our hero: His egotistical personality and need for wealth makes him prone to selfish behavior while simultaneously making himself vulnerable because of it. He is also shown to be quite unpredictable on occasion, and his lack of morality can throw off even the best laid plans of Spider-Man!