Marvel Ikaris is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics universe. He was born on the planet Uranus and had a genius-level intellect. His powers included flight, super-strength, and invulnerability as well as telekinesis. To make him even more powerful, he can generate a force field that protects him from injury.
Marvel Ikaris first appeared in Incredible Hulk #258 (1980) but has since made appearances in other titles like Avengers: The Initiative Vol 2 #1 (2007). The story of his life is told through flashbacks in Uncanny X-Men Annual 3 (1981). In the present-day storyline, it was revealed that Ikaris died during an attack by the villain Proteus on New York City while fighting alongside X-Men and X-Factor members.
Marvel Ikaris has a brother named Equinox who also has similar abilities that help keep their home planet of Uranus safe from harm.
Ikaris is married to another powerful mutant called Marduk Kurios, the two have two children, a boy and a girl they name Cikatro and Margali.
Throughout the years, Marvel Ikaris has been a member of several teams like Alpha Flight (1983) and X-Factor (1986). He was rumored to be one of the founding members of Heroes for Hire (1997). He was badly injured in a battle with Sabretooth during an attack on Muir Island that left him in a coma for some time until he was visited by the spirits of his dead friends.
The character has been deemed significant to Marvel comics due to his ties to other characters and his involvement with storylines that are important within the universe.
How Strong Is Ikaris

As a result of the radiation from the atmospheric storms, Ikaris was exposed to cosmic energies and has the ability to fly at high speeds. He is also able to lift up to 100 tons. He is invulnerable to mental attacks from other telepaths and can create a psionic field that protects him from injury. That psionic field absorbs energy of all kinds, including electricity, radiation, heat, cold, and light (infra-red), and then is released in a variety of offensive forms, from concussive blasts to electrical bolts. He can also deflect any energy attack thrown at him back at the source by use of his psi-shielding abilities. He has telekinetic powers that enable him to move objects and people. He has even used his telekinetic abilities to hurl things at his opponents. He can also use energy projections from his eyes that are capable of turning others into stone. These concussive blasts of psionic energy can be used while he is flying or levitating, but not while he is moving at super speed. According to Marvel, Ikaris is described as one of the most powerful Eternals with a strength level on par with Thor, Hulk, Hercules, etc.
How Fast Is Ikaris

Ikaris has the power to fly at speeds of Mach 20, by generating a protective shield that allows him to pass through solid objects. He is faster than the Silver Surfer, Quasar, and Nova (Richard Rider).
When Ikaris first made his presence felt to defend Earth from an alien attack, he tore right through a mountain range in seconds. Then, when Ikaris went on patrol with the Defenders’ Nighthawk, he flew at near light speed to confront a giant alien ship. When the alien ship fired its weapons, Ikaris was forced to fly out of Earth’s atmosphere and into space to escape the oncoming attack.
Strength And Resistances

Ikaris has super strength that doesn’t match up with the Hulk or Thing but is way beyond ordinary humans. He can easily handle a car over his head and use it as a weapon. Ikaris can also take heavy damage without slowing down or stopping.
When Hercules went to meet the Eternals to convince them to join his fight against the Giants, he had to battle Akhilleus who was in a rage and attacking everything near him. Even though Hercules was badly injured from the battle, Ikaris rushed in to fight Akhilleus but didn’t have much luck. But after getting a good punch in on Akhilleus, his attack eventually wore the Giant down and he knocked him out.
Akhilleus is described as being at least 10 feet tall with super strength and durability that exceeds that of even the Eternals. Ikaris took a beating from him and still managed to win the battle.
Ikaris can survive in space unaided, although he doesn’t need any help because his body automatically adapts to its environment giving him air, food, or anything else that he needs.
Is Ikaris the Most Powerful Eternal
Ikaris is the most powerful Eternal and he has been shown to be one of the stronger characters in Marvel comics. He is never shown to have lost a battle in his appearance in the comics. His power makes him faster, stronger, and more durable than most beings who share his power classification as an Eternal.
Is Ikaris a Hero or Villain
Ikaris is a hero who’s been portrayed as an anti-hero and also as a villain. He’s best known for his work with the Guardians of the Galaxy.
He started out as a villain that was fighting in The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Now he’s most often seen in Guardians of the Galaxy and Defenders. He’s one of the few characters who has been on both teams.
He’s been portrayed as a villain, an anti-hero and a hero. He first appeared in the 70s and has been seen many times since then.
Ikaris is a member of the Eternals whose history goes back as far as 12,000 years ago. His family has played a large role in the story of Marvel Comics and in The Eternals series. He also has ties to Alpha Flight which started out as the Canadian government’s super team until they were disbanded and then reorganized as a private team.
Can Ikaris Beat Thanos
It’s hard to say. One thing is clear, though, Ikaris is a powerful being and he could go a long way towards taking down Thanos. That said, it’s unclear how necessary he would be in that situation. He would most likely be able to take a lot of the heat off of the Avengers which is important because they are mostly human and they’re going to need some help taking Thanos down. Also, if you observe this particular picture you will see Ikaris getting his head ripped off by Thanos, so I guess that answers our question 😉
Ikaris is a powerful being, but he’s not the most powerful Eternal. That honor goes to his father Uranus. Ikaris can fly and has super strength and invulnerability as well as telekinetic powers that are strong enough to take down Thanos in Marvel comics. He first appeared in The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and was portrayed consistently as an anti-hero or villain until Guardians of the Galaxy where he came into contact with other Eternals like himself which helped him find peace about who he was supposed to be – a hero!