May 22

Best Cyclops Comics And Some Fun Facts


If you are curious what the best cyclops comics are and a few other common questions around the X-Men leader, we have if it for you here. Cyclops is a very important figure in the Marvel comics and the changes that have happened in the Mutant universe. It is amazing to me that his best comics do not have his name as the title. Then again I have always been more of a Wolverine fan and always wondered how this wuss became the leader. I was surprised after doing some reading to create this post that I feel like I need to give Cyclops a little more respect.

What is the Best Cyclops Comic that Must be Read

Cover art for the best cyclops comic
Image from

There are many great options for this question but Avengers Vs. X-Men (2012) #11 is by far the best Cyclops comic to read. The reason is that in this issue spoiler alert Cyclops being full of the Dark Phoenix force has a run in with his mentor and almost father figure Professor X. Unlike most times when Professor X rolls into the seen and calms down one of his unrulily X-Men, this time it doesn’t end well for the Professor. He is unable to use his mental powers and make Cyclops see the light, instead some fingers go to a visor and the professor sees a red light. This is the death of Professor X and a major shift in the Mutant future in comics. We recommend that you read the entire Avengers Vs X-Men storyline because I mean it has everyone you want to read in one storyline. How can you beat a fight between Cyclops and Captain America!

What is the Runner Up for The Best Cyclops Comic

Messiah Complex Series

cover image from the messiah complex
Images from

After the famous lines that Scarlet Witch spoke “No More Mutants” Obviously the X-men and Mutant world went through some major changes. I mean most of their kind was destroyed but in the Messiah Complex series, you get to see Cyclops grow into his leadership role. There is one issue where the first mutant child is born and everyone including Cyclops’s X-men are trying to get to it. It’s a great storyline watching these groups like the Marauders fight to get there first. Of course, your hero Cyclops leads a strike team and shows why he is the true leader of Mutants. This is also a great series to read if you are trying to get back into reading comics and it’s been a while. The X-men have gone through so many changes and shift in their storyline but this kind of shows them rebuilding and creating the new world of mutants once Scarlet Witch destroyed the world you knew around the X-Men animated series timeframe.

Who is the best X-Men leader

I can remember watching the X-Men animated series during the 90s and thinking Wolverine is so cool and Cyclops is really a drag. All he does is what Professor X tells him and gets in the cooler X-men’s way from having fun and doing what needs to be done. So why over all these years has Cyclops always been and stood out as the true leader of the X-Men? He grows through the comics and becomes the leader that Professor X must have knew he would be. He makes some serious mistakes and it helps define him as a character. In the end, he leads the Mutants from school, to rebellion’s, to a nation, back to school, through a civil war, and everything you can imagine in-between.

What is Cyclops Biggest Weakness

Image showing Cyclops holding his head to shot his beam
Images from

His power is his weakness. I know I know he can blast a beam of red light and knock a person clear out of the area. The issue isn’t what the power is its how it works. He can’t turn it on or off. If he opens his eyes a beam shots out. Therefore he has to wear a visor that keeps the beam locked in. Then he touches the side of his visor to open the lens which lets the beam fly out and strike whatever he is looking at. So in theory, if you tied his hands behind his back he would be powerless. On the other hand, you could just knock off the visor and he would be blind. He could not look around because he would destroy everything he looked at. Seems like with all the technology they would have fixed this issue but so far you will still see his hand go to the side of his head whenever he is trying to blast someone.

Is Cyclops Good or Bad

Jean Gray may have argued this point when she caught him in the bed with Emma Frost but Cyclops is good. It is one of the reasons everyone I knew when younger did not look for him to have his own comic are talk about him alot when we talked about our favorite Comics. He didn’t do anything to stand out. He was always the faithful follower of Professor Xavier and never crossed into the gray. Then well of course he got mixed up with the Phoenix Force and killed his mentor. Fought against the Avengers and Wolverine. So I guess every hero may have a few storylines that they do something that’s not their typical path but all in all Cyclops falls out on the clean good hero.

Is Cyclops the most powerful mutant

cyclops blasting Iron Man
Images from

Cyclops is not only NOT the most powerful mutant he isn’t even on the top ten list. Actually, I did a bunch of searching to make sure I wasn’t just being hard on him and I couldn’t even find him in the top 25 lists of powerful mutants. The one thing that he has going for him is he is a very good tactician. This trait has helped him lead his team through many no win situations. So if your next question is wondering if Cyclops is an Omega level mutant like Magneto the answer is a resounding no.

Has Cyclops Ever Been Killed

Just like so many comics Cyclops has been killed but through the magic of comics been brought back to life. Unlike a lot of the more popular deaths of heroes in comics Cyclops death was just not very good. Most times when you kill off a character that has been around forever it is something that after you read it you are like wow. In the case of Cyclops he was killed by the Inhumans with their Terrigen mists in the “Death of X” Comic. I personal feel that this death was because Marvel was trying to build up the Inhumans to replace the X Men on the big screen since Fox owned the rights to the X Men. I maybe wrong but in the end of course the fans won and Cyclops was brought back into the universe. I am not sure if it was before or after the Inhumans flop of a show.

Who is the DC Version of Cyclops

The X Men and the DC Doom Patrol cam out within 6 months of eachother. When you look at the first concepts of the teams its hard to not think that someone was coping on the other. I mean how do you put together two superhero teams with the leader in a wheelchair at the same time. Lucky DC was smart and later kind of changed their team up to make it a little darker and separated itself from the X Men. Of course to me this is one of the comic that Marvel may have borrowed from DC but in the end made them a house hold name.


There is a reason that the leader of the X-Men has always been Cyclops and it isn’t because of his power level. Through all of the trials and challenges, he has been a consistent force in the comics. He has fought some of the most powerful villain’s in all comics and has brought his team through the other side. Knowing that he isn’t the most powerful has never stopped him from doing what needed to be done. There is a reason that both Professor X and Magneto respect him as the true leader of the X Men and that over the years each team has followed him into battle. He has the skills needed to lead a team of powerful beings with an authority gained through experience and some loss through the years. If you have kind of pushed him our of your mind as a pivotal part of the Marvel Universe maybe you should give some of the books another read.


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