August 7

Aquaman Comics


Aquaman is a superhero from the DC Comics Universe. His first appearance was in More Fun Comics #73 (November 1941). He’s also known as Arthur Curry, his true name, and as Orin or “Aquaboy” to those who knew him when he was young. Born with aquaphobia – an extreme fear of water – Aquaman has since learned to overcome this fear and now travels under the sea with ease.

He is considered one of the seven founding members of The Justice League of America.

Nowadays, aquaman has a pretty good reputation compared to some of his fellow superheroes. He’s been in the Justice League for years and has fought alongside them numerous times against the world’s biggest threats.

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He’s recently made it onto TV screens in the animated series “Young Justice”, where he is voiced by Matt Lanter. In that series, Aquaman tries to be a good father/mentor figure to the young heroes.

Another popular version of aquaman is played by actor Justin Hartley on The CW’s show “Smallville”. In that series, aquaman has not yet sworn allegiance to the Justice League and was previously married to Mera (another aquaboy, who was aquaboy before aquaman became aquaman).

As of 2009, aquaman has made his film debut in the James Wan directed action-comedy “Watchmen”. In this version, he is played by actor Temuera Morrison.

Then in 2018 Jason Momoa, rolled on to the big screen with his solo aquaman movie.

What was the First Comic Appearance of Aquaman

Aquaman’s first comic book appearance was in 1941, and he first appeared as a superhero in More Fun Comics #73 (1942). He was then introduced to the world by appearing on the cover of Adventure Comics #260 (June 1948) with his super hero name, aqua man.

Aquaman was created by Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger.

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In aquaman’s first comic book, aqua man had a pet seal as a side kick. Seals are known creatures for aquaman. Although aquaman did not have any super heroic powers, he was able to defeat the sea robbins of aqua man’s home aqua city by using his aquaknots and a net. He used the aquaknots to catch the sea robbins and he was able to use his aqua net to capture them all in one spot so that he could easily defeat all of them with one blow from a club.

The sea robbins had been terrorizing aqua city and aquaman went after them to try to defeat them. But aquaman was at an extreme disadvantage because the sea robbins could breathe underwater, they were stronger than aquaman, and they even picked up rocks as weapons to attack him with.

In this first appearance aquaman’s strongest asset seemed to be his aquaknots that he could use to capture the sea robbins but aquaman was never able to defeat all of them at once. Even in aqua man’s first adventure, aquaman is seen needing other people like aquamans wife mera, and even a fisherman named Nat who helped aquaman when aquaman was barely able to hold off the sea robbins so aquaman could order his aquaknots around and prepare them for battle.

What is Aquaman Superpower and Ability

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Aquaman has the power to control the movement of water and communicate with all marine life. His abilities have helped him take on some of the most formidable underwater enemies in the DC universe, as well as other superheroes. Aquaman’s superpower comes from his knowledge of oceanography and communication with marine life. He is also a capable fighter in hand-to-hand combat using his aquaknots and aquapunch. He can even draw on the sea for strength to defeat enemies both underwater and out of water, like Black Manta.

How Strong is Aquaman

Aquaman has superhuman strength up to a certain point. He gets his power from the ocean and aqua man can only hold so much of that power in himself. As aquaman’s strength grows so does his weakness. This happens when aquaman’s body becomes saturated in water, making him almost human.

One of aquaman’s abilities is the aquaglyphs located on aquaman’s shoulders these are symbols of power they show how powerful aquaman is in battle and what he has done so far. Also aqua man can use aquaglyphs to communicate with all marine life.

Aquaman’s weakness is the ocean’s pressure as he grows in power, aquaman will get weaker and weaker until he has no aqua powers at all. Aquaman was born on land and even though aquaman does not need to breathe air for survival, aquaman can only stay on land for a limited time.

What Teams has Aquaman been a member of

One of the teams aquaman was a member of is the Justice League. Aquaman has also been a member of JLA and the Super Friends. Aquaman was a founding member of the original aqua-family team. The aqua-family were also aquaman’s first superteam in the comics, aquaman and his side kick Aqualad alongside aquagirl and aquakid would fight evil undersea villains such as Black Manta or the wizard.

Is Aquaman a Hero or a Villain

Aquaman has always been depicted as a hero. He is one of the earliest superheroes in comic books. His superior aqua-powers make him a formidable ally and opponent. He fights evil enemies from the oceans such as Black Manta or super villains like The Cheetah, he is regarded by some as an aqua/aquatic superhero similar to Namor. Although aquaman has always been shown as a hero he has had many moments in which he lost control and attacked his foes with aqua rage. This aqua rage causes aquaman to become more aquatically savage and powerfull, but also less civilized. During this state aquaman usually loses control of himself and often hurts those around him who are not attacking aquaman or aqua-family members.

Who is the Main Rival of Aquaman

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Aquaman’s main rival is Black Manta. Aquaman has been fighting Black Manta since his very first appearance in aquaman comics. Black Manta is Aquaman’s arch nemesis and greatest opponent.

Black Manta Aquaman’s greatest and most dangerous enemy. Black manta main motivation for his hate is the death of his father at Aquaman’s hand. Black manta hates Aquaman because Aquaman killed his father when Aquaman destroyed a black pirate ship. Black Manta vowed revenge for this and took it upon himself to rid the oceans of Aquaman once and for all. He has been trying ever since.

Has Aquaman Ever Died in the Comics

Aquaman has died twice in the comics.

The first time aquaman was killed by a serial killer named Zabrak who was aquaman’s clone. Zabrak aquageta aquaman with his aquachar where aquaman had aquaquadrill as a young boy, aquamen suffocated and died. The second time he died was from an arrow to the chest by Koriand’r when she was being controlled by her brother, Blackfire.

What is Aquaman Currently Doing in the DC Comics

In the recent new 52 aquaman comics aquaman has been working with the U.S. government to help them with some of the issues that they are facing in their country. He is also not just focusing on his work here but he is spending time back home as well.

Has Aquaman had any Love Interest in the Comics

Aquaman has had several love interests in the comics such as Mera and Koryak. He also has a one-sided crush on Lois Lane that is never reciprocated. His first true love was a girl named Lori Lemaris, who is the aquatically-mutated daughter of Vulko.

Does Marvel have a similar character compared to Aquaman

Yes Marvel does have some underwater Charactors and one which is considered to be the Aquaman in Marvel. Namor, who first appeared in 1939 and recently in 2011 joined the Avengers. He can also control water and communicate with marine life.


Aquaman is a superhero from an undersea kingdom. He has aqua-powers and the ability to control water, which makes him formidable. Aquaman can only stay on land for a limited time or he will suffocate due to his inability to breathe air. His abilities have helped him take on some of the most formidable underwater enemies in the DC universe as well other superheroes such as Black Manta who hates aquaman because aquaman killed his father when aquaman destroyed black pirate ship with aquagirl and aquakid alongside them fighting evil undersea villains like Black manta or wizard.


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